Women’s Power

Of Inspiration

WPI is a Not For Profit Organisation run by volunteers.
It is aimed at reaching women from culturally diverse backgrounds and immigrants in South East Queensland.
We are committed to combat social isolation; build economic independence; overcome language and cultural difficulty, assist women who have experienced trauma, Domestic Violence and provide assistance in daily life skills.
This is done through sewing and craft activities, English conversation, job search and resume assistance, emotional support and promotes active participation in the community through the essential skills that will enable them to sharpen their social ties and secure employment in the future.

Women’s Power

Of Inspiration

WPOI is an exceptional wherewithal reaching Australian- Rwandan women and other refugees and immigrants women to prioritise fostering economic empowerment in areas not addressed by formal employment services that boost social ties and connect them with locals…

Support Needed

WPI is open to volunteers, community and other support services. Contact us to get involved and click below to learn more about what we do.

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Why SHE founded this group

I have experienced isolation and trauma within my own life. I managed to get out of it by being with other women, doing various forms of therapy, sharing stories and memories.

My passion in sewing has also played a big role in doing this as a therapy with sewing, crochet and knitting. Which are a source of therapy and an excellent activity to support mental health and longterm wellbeing.

I would like to continue to give support to my community and provide people with a positive, successful, warm and welcoming experience.

Together we can keep building our beautiful community and get rewarding

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Our Services

WPI looks at innovative methods using craft work.

Mission Statement

WPI is committed to combat social isolation among culturally diverse women in the South East Queensland through sewing/craft activities, providing emotional support to the victims of trauma and promote active participation in the community through the essential skills that will enable them to secure employment in the future.

Our Vision

  • Community integration
  • We can plan, participate, promote and prosper.
  • Network support to assist participants with daily living in Australia
  • Make good quality items for gifts, to sell and to gain skills.
  • Women become gainfully employed, with greater resilience, broader social networks, as active participants in the community.
  • Women are empowered, integrated in the community, developed wellbeing and socio-economically independent

Volunteer Expression of Interest Form

Thank you for expressing your interest to volunteer at Women’s Power of Inspiration. There are so many ways that you can get involved and we would greatly appreciate your time and skills. Please fill in this form and we will get in touch with you soon regarding volunteer opportunities.

    Your Details

    To ensure that we place you in a suitable volunteer position which you will enjoy; we need to know if you have a Health or medical condition
    If yes, then please indicate the details of your health or medical condition, disability or injury here:
    Are there any languages other than English that you speak fluently?
    If yes,Please provide details:
    Are there any other details you need to tell us?

    Emergency Contact: Personal Details:

    I’d like to join Women’s Power of Inspiration

    I have a particular skill or area of expertise that might be useful (please describe):
    I’d like to volunteer in another way (please describe):


    I have provided all necessary information relevant to my registration for Volunteering for Women’s Power of Inspiration
    Print Name:

